Orignal Publication Date | 01-Jan-2021 |
Author / Publisher | SF International Digital Publishers |
Subject Category | English Language |
Series Name | Literacy & Learning |
Book Language | English |
Book Type | Multi-Touch Educational Interactive Digital eBook |
Interest Age (in Years) | 4 Years to 6 Years |
Print Length | 292 |
Number of Chapters | 07 |
Number of Interactives | 41 |
Number of Self-Review Assessments | 57 |

Literacy & Learning – Year 2B

Reviews on our eBook:

eBook Price:
$ 39.99
This interactive digital course-book is:
a completely downloadable resource
100% interactive even when offline
It is an Ideal Resource for:
-> Schools
-> Home Learners
-> Independent Learners
eBook Structure
This Educational Interactive Digital Course-book encompasses;
Chapter Structure:Â It starts with an introductory video. Introducing our learners to the upcoming sections.
Section Structure:Â Each section consists of many HTML5 interactive widgets, capable of explaining every topic with the help of several real life examples using audio/visual support.
Chapter 1 – Section Structure:
Section 1 – Happiness -> Happiness is connected with positive feelings -> Developing an understanding about happy emotions.
Section 2 – Sadness -> Sadness is the emotion of grief -> How to deal with emotions which make us sad.
Section 3 – Anger -> Anger and its negative impact -> How to avoid aggressive behaviour.
Section 4 – Vocabulary Time / Story Time -> Skills in focus -> Reading / Listening.
Section 5 – Grammar Glow Stick -> Fullstops.
Section 6 – Chapter Review -> Maximises learning capabilities of our learners.
Chapter 2 – Section Structure:
Section  1 – Baseball -> Explaining all the game rules -> Number of players, their positions and roles in a baseball game.
Section 2 – Football -> Rules of playing football -> Number of players, their positions and roles in a football game.
Section 3 – Tennis -> Basic rules of tennis -> Number of players, their positions and roles in a tennis game.
Section 4 – Vocabulary Time / Story Time -> Skills in focus -> Reading / Listening.
Section 5 – Grammar Glow Stick -> Comma.
Section 6 – Chapter Review -> Maximises learning capabilities of our learners.
Chapter 3 – Section Structure:
Section 1 – Swimming: Learners will learn -> Importance of swimming.
Section 2 – Reading books: Learners will learn about -> Importance of reading books.
Section 3 – Cycling: Learners cycling skills -> Benefits of cycling.
Section 4 – Vocabulary Time / Story Time -> Skills in focus -> Reading / Listening.
Section 5 – Grammar Glow Stick -> Question marks.
Section 6 – Chapter Review -> Maximises learning capabilities of our learners.
Chapter 4 – Section Structure:
Section 1 – Healthy food -> Benefits of healthy foods -> Variety of healthy foods.
Section 2 – Unhealthy foods -> Bad impacts of unhealthy foods -> Different varieties of unhealthy food.
Section 3 – Vocabulary Time / Story Time -> Skills in focus -> Reading / Listening.
Section 4 – Grammar Glow Stick -> Exclamation marks
Section 5 – Chapter Review -> Maximises learning capabilities of our learners.
⠀⠀⠀⠀For more information, checkout the curriculum map given below.
Free Sample (download)
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We recommend using iPad 4 (or above) for our eBooks as the Book app is best suited for ePub3 format embedded with Html5 and CSS3 interactive widgets. These widgets play an important role of explaining topics using audio/visual support and they also provide several interactive options to our learners.
The eBook may take some time to download depending on your internet speed. Once the download completes, it will prompt you to open it in Books app.
Few Screenshots of the eBook